Reason(s) for applying to join

This will help us suggest relevant people to you in the group if you join.

How can we help you? (optional)

Feel free to explain how we can help with your goals (hiring, getting investment etc) such as recommending people in the group you should speak with. The more detail you provide, the more we can help (e.g. "searching for Senior Frontend Software Developer to hire" or "looking for investors for seed-stage round for B2B SaaS startup in FinTech" or "looking for clients who are...").


Job title

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LinkedIn profile link (optional but helps)

This is optional but will help us review your application faster.

How did you find out about London Tech Network (LTN)?

Any feedback / ideas etc (optional)

Email address (for invitation link)

If your application is approved, your invitation to join our Slack group will be sent from Slack to this email address.

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